Monday, January 20, 2025

Dungeon 25: week 3


A weird water level this week. In play, I feel the waterholder would be a blast.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Goofy gobs

These goofballs might be showing up soon, we will have to wait and see what the fates have in store for our little band of adventurers...

side note: it is exceedingly annoying how Midjourney is unable to understand that hobbits/halflings have hairy feet and are without boots...

Monday, January 13, 2025

Dungeon 25: week 2

We delve deeper into the mega dungeon. This time, entering the realm of the shroom lords!

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Dungeon 25: week 1

Here above is week one of Dungeon 25! The goal is simple: attempt to draw and flesh out a room each day day inn the year 2025. Join me on this adventure!

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Dungeon 25


Alright, going to give this a go and see how far I can get, I previously have completed a full month of map-a-day, so the goal is to do better than 30 days straight. Will update as time allows.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Skorn & Hefna (solo rpg)

Having not played anything for quite a while, and after listening to my friend Bill go through the same situation, I decided I needed to force myself to play. I have spent far too long looking for a system to use, a setting to play in, and frankly just wasted MONTHs thinking about playing but not actually doing it. Then yesterday I came across this video on the 'Tube and it really got me thinking:

And he was right, just freaking do it. His experience is just like mine, I worry too much about the system, making it look cool for you (and me) to look at, making pretty maps, character sheets, etc....

SO, like him I initially thought about using Shadowdark, going as far as creating two characters. I hated it, all the fiddly bits of if I have this ancestry I get a +1 here to do this, if this class a +1 to that, a +1 here for this...ugh

So I went back to White Box.  ;-)

I made two characters quickly, omg so quickly. I love WB.

Then, I decided that two characters will never survive and I needed some companions, so I opted to use a method Bill shared with me a few days ago from Chaoclypse's substack, a really neat and quick method for generating quick companions: Within minutes I had a fighter and a porter to join our adventure:

I decided to utilize a small thing I tossed together, just a few paragraphs for a base of operations but I did not want to get bogged down with this so I limited the time I spent and also how detailed this was:
I decided I wanted to explore a small barrow and what better tool to use than the great Barrowmaze Complete book I got a few years ago. I tracked combat on top of a Lowes gift card I got for Christmas and some extra tiny dice I had laying around. Improvise and continue was the motto here.

We ventured into the Barrowlands, and quickly we ran into an encounter. What follows are my notes on the game, taken as I played. They are not neat, organized well, or meant for any one else but me to track the progress of my game, I merely post here to show others how I played and how it is great to just stop thinking about playing, and actually sit down and do it.

All told, I spent about two hours creating (then recreating) characters, collecting my tools, and running through the session. I randomly determined which barrow we discovered and then used the entry in the book to describe it. I did reduce the number of badguys because wow, 6 mimics with each almost having 20 hit points is a little overpowered for my band of two adventurers and two companions.

All told, I had fun, it was easy to get going and I could easily continue this if I so wish. My little video on this session: