A weird water level this week. In play, I feel the waterholder would be a blast.
Alright, going to give this a go and see how far I can get, I previously have completed a full month of map-a-day, so the goal is to do better than 30 days straight. Will update as time allows.
Having not played anything for quite a while, and after listening to my friend Bill go through the same situation, I decided I needed to force myself to play. I have spent far too long looking for a system to use, a setting to play in, and frankly just wasted MONTHs thinking about playing but not actually doing it. Then yesterday I came across this video on the 'Tube and it really got me thinking:
And he was right, just freaking do it. His experience is just like mine, I worry too much about the system, making it look cool for you (and me) to look at, making pretty maps, character sheets, etc....
SO, like him I initially thought about using Shadowdark, going as far as creating two characters. I hated it, all the fiddly bits of if I have this ancestry I get a +1 here to do this, if this class a +1 to that, a +1 here for this...ugh
So I went back to White Box. ;-)
I made two characters quickly, omg so quickly. I love WB.
Then, I decided that two characters will never survive and I needed some companions, so I opted to use a method Bill shared with me a few days ago from Chaoclypse's substack, a really neat and quick method for generating quick companions:https://chaoclypse.substack.com/p/system-neutral-rpg-companions Within minutes I had a fighter and a porter to join our adventure: