Friday, July 26, 2024

CPT Jax Bolton [Space Patrol]

Captain Jax Bolton is an infamous pilot in the Space Patrol, a division of space cops that police the space lanes. They are tasked with the protection of civilians, merchants, and the arrest of criminals and pirates that constantly plague the trade and travel routes between the civilized planets of the United Planetary Federation (UPF).

Cpt Jax is a charismatic pilot with a roguish smile and ace with his pistol. He is faithful to his friends, loyal to the Space Patrol, quick with his wit, a strict adherence to the law, a brilliant detective, makes the ladies weak in the knees, often a bur in authorities' boot, and endlessly optimistic. When innocents are in danger and everything is on the line, Cpt Jax is the man the UPF sends in to save the day. They may not agree with his tactics, or condone his actions, but they will usually swallow their pride because he is able to stop bad things from happening.

Due to the numerous times in which he has foiled a major theft, freed a hostage, captured a person on the top 10 most wanted list, recovered stolen goods, and tossed bad guys in the slammer, he has made quite a long list of enemies. They are out there and they want revenge.

The future is worth the fight. - Cpt Jax

Here I am.. What are your other two wishes? - Cpt Jax

At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; without law and justice he is but a savage. - Cpt Jax

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Argo3 [Space Patrol]

The Argonaut 3, or more commonly Argo3, is Captain Jax's patrol craft. The ship is designated with "3" because the previous two were destroyed in previous missions. United Planetary Federation (UPF) command determined these were NOT Cpt Jax's fault and allowed him to keep his commission. His sometimes on, sometimes off again 'secret' relationship with one particular Admiral Deenala is rumored to have had something to do with this. Both parties have adamantly denied these baseless allegations.

While the Argo3 is a relatively new ship, it has already seen numerous missions, including the recent rescue mission of Senator Sharrador when he was abducted by the notorious criminal Baron Balthazar. Luckily, the Argo3's crew was able to rescue the senator without sustaining too much damage to the craft. This damage allowed Cadet Happy, the whizkid sidekick of Cpt Jax, to make a few altercations to the Space Patrol standard specifications for the XB-17, hence the addition of the 'd' to the model.

Cadet Happy's modifications include; a 23.7% propulsion efficiency, an aft-mounted Radcon mini-space mine launcher, more than doubled the strength of the magnetic coupling, adding a pleasant sensory disperser to the ScrubbertronO2 3000, adding a touchscreen to the the craft's Bentelycraft ElectroReader, and adding AtomiCorp's new RadOven to the galley so the crew can enjoy a warm meal on long flights. In his spare time, he also swapped out the crew seats to a more plush design and repainted the Argo3 to Cpt Jax's preferred shade of orange.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Space Patrol!

High adventure in the wild, vast reaches of space! Daring missions in the name of justice and protecting the innocent civilians of the United Planetary Federation from interplanetary villains with diabolical schemes!

I am playing around something more for Risus, a science fiction 'setting' and characters in the vein of an old tyme radio or tv show from the 1950s or so. When heroes were heroes, villains were always evil scum with larger than life ambitions, the hero always got the beautiful maiden, and a plucky little sidekick played the comedic foil to the always serious hero that saves the day. You know, the stuff that led to the original Star Wars films. Also, shit that would not fly in today's media. 

Who knows, maybe I will write something with this setting and characters. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Scabbies [Risus]

When a rift between worlds is created, these toddler-sized buggers will come charging through the divide creating havoc. They form small mobs and swarm their victims, bringing them down with sheer numbers, biting and clawing. They will eat their victims if given the chance. Their fear of the sun is well documented by the few that have survived an encounter. The sun causes them to turn to stone and moments later, shatter into dust.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Sergeant Jim Malone [Risus]


Sergeant Jim Malone is a staunch law-abiding citizen, he is a firm believer in the law and takes a hard line with those who break the rules. Malone has been a beat cop for over a decade, but just recently moved to the beat that includes the St. Bartholomew church. Since moving, he has begun to question things he has always thought were set in stone, having seen things his rational mind can simply not explain.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Father Buchanan [Risus]

Father Buchanan is a recent arrival to St Bartholomew's, the largest Catholic church in the city. He is intelligent, inquisitive, and curious about his new city and congregation. He is a tireless student of history and has taken an interest in Dirk's work in the occult after the two became fast friends after the Catalogus de Mysteriis Serpentis incident.